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Onderzoeksrapport 1: Resultaten Zevenheuvelenlooponderzoek 2007 - 2009, Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels, Dick H.J. Thijssen, Maria T.E. Hopman

Wetenschappelijke artikelen
De Running Research studies hebben reeds diverse publicaties in (inter)nationale tijdschriften opgeleverd. Mocht u geïnteresseerd zijn, dan kunt u deze artikelen hieronder downloaden.

Exercise for Coronary Heart Disease Patients: Little Is Good, More Is Better, Vigorous Is Best. Eijsvogels TMH, Maessen MFH. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Oct 3;70(14):1701-1703.
Global and regional cardiac function in lifelong endurance athletes with and without myocardial fibrosis. Eijsvogels TMH, Oxborough DL, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S, Prasad S, Whyte G, George KP, Wilson MG. Eur J Sport Sci. 2017 Sep 14:1-7.
Relationship Between Lifelong Exercise Volume and Coronary Atherosclerosis. Aengevaeren VL, Mosterd A, Braber TL, Prakken NH, Doevendans PA, Grobbeee DE, Thompson PD, Velthuis BK, Eijsvogels MH. Circulation. 2017;136:138–148.
Association of Resistance Exercise with the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome: a Prospective Cohort Study. Bakker EA, Lee DC, Sui X, Artero EG, Ruiz JR, Earnest CP, Eijsvogels TM, Lavie CJ, Blair SN. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Aug;92(8):1214-1222.
Validity, Reliability, and Inertia of Four Different Temperature Capsule Systems. Bongers CCWG, Daanen HAM, Bogerd CP, Hopman MTE, Eijsvogels TMH. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Aug 14.
Validity and Reliability of the myTemp Ingestible Temperature Pill. Bongers CC, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. J Sci Med Sport. 2017 Jun 8.
Impact of lifelong exercise training on endothelial ischemia-reperfusion and ischemic preconditioning in humans. Maessen MF, van Mil AC, Straathof Y, Risken NP, Rongen GA, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM, Thijssen DT. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2017 May 1;312(5):R828-R834.
A comparison of dicarbonyl stress and advanced glycation endproducts in veteran athletes versus sedentary individuals. Maessen MF, Schalkwijk CG, Verheggen RJ, Aengevaeren VL, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. J Sci Med Sport. 2017 Oct;20(10):921-926.
The Impact of Exercise-induced Core Body Temperature Elevations on Coagulation Responses. Veltmeijer MT, Eijsvogels TM, van Heerde WL, Hopman MT. 2017 Feb;20(2):202-207
Cooling interventions for athletes: an overview of effectiveness, physiological mechanisms, and practical considerations. Bongers CC, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. Temperature (Austin). 2017 Jan 3;4(1):60-78.
Association of statin use and prevalence of exercise-related injuries: a cross-sectional survey of amateur runners in the Netherlands. Bakker EA, Timmers S, Thompson PD, Hopman MT, Verbeek AL, Eijsvogels TM. Sports Med 2017 Jan 30
Are There Clinical Cardiac Complications From Too Much Exercise? Curr Sports Med Rep. Eijsvogels TM, Thompson PD. 2017 Jan/Feb;16(1):9-11.
Vascular function and structure in veteran athletes following myocardial infarction. Maessen MM, Eijsvogels TM, Hijmans-Kersten BT, Grotens A, Schreuder TH, Hopman MT, Thijssen DH. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Jan;49(1):21-28 

The Cardiovascular Benefits and Risks Across the Physical Activity Continuum. Eijsvogels TM, George KP, Thompson PD. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2016 Sep;31(5):566-71.
Myocardial Fibrosis in Athletes. van de Schoor F, Aengevaeren VL, Hopman MT, George KP, Oxborough DL, Thompson PD, Eijsvogels TM. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Oct 6.
Lifelong exercise patterns and cardiovascular health. Maessen M, Verbeek A, Bakker E, Thompson PD, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Jun;91(6):745-54.
Assessment of serum free light chain levels in healthy adults immediately after marathon running. Campbell JP, Eijsvogels TM, Wang Y, Hopman MT, Jacobs JF. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2016 Mar;54(3):459-65.
The Impact of Exercise-induced Core Body Temperature Elevations on Coagulation Responses. Veltmeijer MT, Eijsvogels TM, van Heerde WL, Hopman MT. J Sci Med Sport. 2016 Mar 12
Exercise at the Extremes: The Amount of Exercise to Reduce Cardiovascular Events. Eijsvogels TM, Molossi S, Lee DC, Emery MS, Thompson PD. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;67:316–29
Are There Deleterious Cardiac Effects of Acute and Chronic Endurance Exercise? Eijsvogels TM, Fernandez AB, Thompson PD. Phys Rev 2016 Jan;96(1):99-125.

Exercise is Medicine; at any dose? Eijsvogels TM, Thompson PD. JAMA 2015 Nov 10;314(18):1915-6. 
Using an Ingestible Telemetric Temperature Pill to Assess Gastrointestinal Temperature During Exercise. Bongers CC, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. J Vis Exp. 2015 Oct 7;(104).
Within-subject Variation of Thermoregulatory Responses during Repeated Exercise Bouts. Veltmeijer MT, Thijssen DH, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. Int J Sport med. 2015 Jul;36(8):631-5.

Entering a new era of body indices: the feasibility of a body shape index and body roundness index to identify cardiovascular health status. Maessen MF, Eijsvogels TM, Verheggen RJ, Hopman MT, Verbeek AL, de Vegt F. PLOS ONE 2014 Sep 17;9(9):e107212 (IF 3.5)
Impact of Statin Use on Exercise-Induced Cardiac Troponin Elevations. Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels, James L. Januzzi, Beth A. Taylor, Stephanie K. Isaacs, Pierre D’Hemecourt, Amanda Zaleski, Sophia Dyer, Chris Troyanos, Rory B. Weiner, Paul D. Thompson, Aron L. Baggish. Am J Cardiol 2014 Aug 15;114(4):624-8.
Nutritional indicators for gastrointestinal symptoms in female runners: the 'Marikenloop study'. Dominique ten Haaf, Maarten van der Worp, Hans Groenewoud, Susanne Leij-Halfwerk, Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden, André Verbeek, Bart Staal. BMJ Open. 2014 Aug 4;4(8):e005780.
Exertional Hyperthermia in 15% of Participants During A 15-km Race in Cool Environmental Conditions. Matthijs T.W. Veltmeijer, Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels, Dick H.J. Thijssen, Maria T.E. Hopman. J Sci Med Sport 2014 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Precooling Versus Pericooling to improve exercise performance in the heat: A Meta-Analytical Review. Coen C.W.G. Bongers, Dick H.J. Thijssen, Matthijs T.W. Veltmeijer, Maria T.E. Hopman, Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr 19.[Epub ahead of print]
Wearing a cooling vest during exercise: effects on performance and thermoregulatory responses. Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels, Coen C.W.G. Bongers, Matthijs T.W. Veltmeijer, Maarten M. Moen, Maria T.E. Hopman. Int J Sports Med. 2014 Apr 25.[Epub ahead of print]
The Impact Of Exercise Intensity On Cardiac Troponin I Release. Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels, Maurits D. Hoogerwerf, Madelein H. Oudegeest-Sander, Maria T.E. Hopman, Dick H.J. Thijssen. Int. J. Cardiol. 2014 Jan 15;171(1):e3-4.
Predictors of cardiac troponin release after a marathon.Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels, Maurits D. Hoogerwerf, Martijn F.H. Maessen, Joost P.H. Seeger, Keith P. George, Maria T.E. Hopman, Dick H.J. Thijssen. J Sci Med Sport Jan 2. pii: S1440-2440(13)00519-7.

Effect of ischemic preconditioning on lactate accumulation and running performance. Tom Bailey, Helen Jones, Warren Gregson, Greg Atkinson, Tim Cable, Dick Thijssen. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012 Nov;44(11):2084-9.
Remote ischemic preconditioning prevents reduction in brachial artery flow-mediated dilation after strenuous exercise. Tom Bailey, G. Birk, Tim Cable, Greg Atkinson, Danny Green, Helen Jones, Dick Thijssen. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 Sep 1;303(5):H533-8. 

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